Kamis, 02 Juni 2011


Dan akhirnya blognya bisa dibuka lagi. Apa kabar semuanya? semoga baik, sehat dan selalu bugar. Anw, gue di keadaan sedikit stress. Stressnya kenapa? next time gue mau tumpahin di blog deh hehe. Dan skrg memasuki bulan Juni, bulan yang penuh ujian. Belum ada hal yg menarik untuk di tulis sih, cuma mau bilang welcome June ;)

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Enrique Iglesias - Somebody's Me

Do you remember me
Like I remember you
Do you spend your life
Going back in your mind to that time
Cause I
I walk the streets alone
I hate being on my own
And everyone can see that I really fell
And I'm going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe without you it's lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That somebody's me
That somebody's me

How did we go wrong
It was so good and now it's gone
And I pray at night
That our paths soon will cross
What we had isn't lost
Cuz you're always right here in my thoughts

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe
Without you it's lonely
Somebody hopes that some day you will see
That somebody's me
Oh yeah

You will always be in my life
Even if I'm not in your life
Cause you're in my memory
When you remember me
And before you set me free
Oh listen please

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can't breathe
Without you it's lonely
Somebody hopes that some day you will see
That somebody's me
That somebody's me
That somebody's me
That somebody's me
Oh yeah

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011


I used dress from you today, surely I want to share this unimportant news to you but...for now it useless

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

I'll miss you

yap.. selamat malam blogger. bener-bener baru beberapa jam gue putus sama pacar gue Ilham. entah apa entah gimana juga, sampe malem gini gue belum bisa tidur. alesannya sih ga jauh-jauh, krn gue masih mikirin, gue kangen, dan gue bener-bener kehilangan. Oke mungkin krn gue sayang and I felt he hurt me that's way gue ga bisa gitu aja ngelupain. Apalagi yang udah sering banget jadi penyemangat gue. asli deh tolol nih gue nulis di blog kyk gini. dan gue nulis ini sambil mewek hahaha daritadi ga berenti mewek gue kayak anak kucing baru lahir. gue bener-bener ngerasa sepi banget... meskipun sering ribut, tapi lo itu meaningfull buat gue. ibarat gigi, gue tuh lagi bolong hahaha lagi bengkak kali ya, gue ga pernah ngrasain sakit gigi soalnya. gue ngerasa ga punya tulang, gue ngarasa kayak balik ke 7 bulan yg lalu. insane. kalo tarik nafas yang keinget cuma cerita seneng sama lo hehehe lebay ga si gue? banget. ya ampun udah deh ah otak gue udah ga jelas! take care there 23 :')

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011


Why you teach me how to be numb :c are you happy? You never showed how important I'am in your life. you want me to leave? don't you? :'(

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011


Are you remember when I said, we were like sponge bob and patrick? I just can't imagine if we stop it